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Please note we are in the process of retrospectively adding our archive of media articles to this page.

Choral course, Summer School, Events Nikki Chilton Choral course, Summer School, Events Nikki Chilton

Your summer of singing, with a big “Finnish”

Choir of the Earth is excited to confirm the details of its 2024 Summer School, beginning on Monday 10 June, including your opportunity to sing live in Finland! COTE’s Summer School is renowned for its diversity of pieces, giving choral singers the opportunity to expand your repertoire and explore unsung territory on your musical journey.

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Choral course, Bergen Philharmonic, Collaboration Nikki Chilton Choral course, Bergen Philharmonic, Collaboration Nikki Chilton

Join our exciting new Brahms' Ein Deutsches Requiem course with the Bergen Philharmonic!

We're thrilled to announce an extraordinary opportunity for choral enthusiasts to be part of a unique performance of Johannes Brahms’ Ein Deutsches Requiem alongside the renowned Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir… all without leaving home! This course launches on Monday 8 April 2024 at 17:00 UK time.

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Nikki Chilton Nikki Chilton

Hallelujah: here we go again!

As coronavirus restrictions finally begin to lift, many musicians are experiencing a “hallelujah” moment as they begin to perform once again. But one choir hit the headlines exactly a year ago for exclaiming “Hallelujah!” in the most literal and magnificent of ways… and now they’re doing it all over again!

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