The Self-Isolation Choir to live stream Messiah At Home on 31 May 2020

Watch a live stream performance of Handel's Messiah from all our recordings from an international virtual choir, now over 3,600 singers, including home recorded baroque orchestra and soloists, Sunday 31 May 2020 at 7.30 pm UK time.

After eight weeks of rehearsals from quarantine, The Self-Isolation Choir is very proud to present Handel's Messiah from home, in association with ChoraLine.

A link will be available via:

You can even join in and have a good sing from the comfort of your homes!

Tickets: audience members are invited to donate a suggested £5 'ticket' to Help Musicians at:

The Self-Isolation Choir (SIC) and the 'Messiah at Home' project have been very important to many of us during this COVID-19 crisis, helping to keep those lock down blues at bay. Here is one choir member's beautiful account of her experience with the choir and its supportive group:

"I have been drawn to join a number of virtual choir projects in recent weeks because I have felt an insatiable need to sing. I know that virtual choirs may not be representative of the product our choirs produce in 'normal' times. However, I have come to realize that choirs are more than the product they create – they are the process as well.

That process happens with a group working together on a common goal, forming friendships, giving and receiving support, and ministering to each other and to the community. All of these elements create a choir, and virtual choir projects can be as powerful as real-life choirs in these processes. This is why I feel so fortunate to have found the SIC and this incredible family.

We have already formed a powerful chorus, and this next week will lead us to even greater heights in what we produce and how it impacts the world. Onward and upward my friends!!"

Thank you to everyone involved - we've come a very long way!


New Self-Isolation Choir advertisement on Classic FM