Elijah Vocal Instruction Videos
Going beyond the notes
Riding on the back of her successful “Warm-up” videos made exclusively for The Self-Isolation Choir, Angela Reichenbach has put together a set of 4 videos on voice technique and control to help us be on top form for our recording of ELIJAH for The Self-Isolation Choir.
Whilst the piece has been brought to life by our exceptional Musical Director, Ben England BEM, there are some tricky passages to conquer in this masterpiece by Mendelssohn.
Angie leads us skilfully through voice technique and discusses ways “beyond the notes” to maintain and improve your own voice for the recording. She also touches on how the voice box works biologically with diagrams to ensure we look after our own instrument.
Video 1: Breath Control (Cast Thy Burden, He That Shall Endure to the End)
Video 2: Power without Push and High Notes without Tension (Help Lord, He Watching Over Israel)
Video 3: Quick Rhythms made easier (Behold, God the Lord)
Video 4: Sectional Rehearsal for each voice (The Fire Descends)
The course of 4 videos costs £14.95 and is designed to help those about to start their recording on Elijah for The Self-Isolation Choir.